Fake Conservatives


The same progressivism you’ve fled in points North and South is alive here in “so called” Conservative/ Republican Martin County.

Our BOCC calls itself Republican.  As I attend most BOCC meetings I see little evidence of conservative “small Government” Republicanism.  What I see is a general departure from conservative principles while our Commissioners, all of whom are Registered Republicans, take on Progressive (Big Gov) positions such as pandering to dependent class county residents legal or not.  Or this BOCC obligating the MC Taxpayers to Union largesse and more duplicate services for the so called “underserved”.  These pursuits are of liberal leftist pandering that is not conservative, but it appeals to the low information voter or the bleeding heart or those without life experience.  This current make-up of the BOCC has confused voluntary charity with Government obligation using other people’s money (your hard earned tax $$$). 

My favorite Commissioner that imo, best represents the above brand of Republicanism is Ed “The NY Progressive” Ciampi of HOA central Palm City. His positioning as a Republican has duped the high concentration of Snowbirds to Vote for him since they Vote Party line from their primary homes elsewhere, instead of familiarizing themselves with the character and policies of the candidates. Shame on you PC for not offering another choice in candidates. 

Commissioner Ciampi is famously astute for his business acumen or at least he likes to espouse of himself despite his own failures with his own money in his own business ventures.  Unfortunately, as Commissioner he enjoys spending other people’s money (taxes).  Those other people are YOU! 

The County Government must be reined in, back to a small Government footprint with basic infrastructure and its maintenance, not Water Parks, Training Centers, Golf Course’s and million-dollar Beach Hot Dog stands!  These are all long-term liabilities with poor track records of self-funding via positive revenue generation.  Never forget, Ed Ciampi said: “The Water Park will self-sustain” and we all know better. NOW!  Yet they continue with entering into all things private sector. 

The Board of County Commissioners has gone left and must be replaced! 

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