
Fake Conservatives

The same progressivism you’ve fled in points North and South is alive here in “so called” Conservative/ Republican Martin County.

Our BOCC calls itself Republican.  As I attend most BOCC meetings I see little evidence of conservative “small Government” Republicanism.  What I see is a general departure from conservative principles while our Commissioners, all of whom are Registered Republicans, take on Progressive (Big Gov) positions such as pandering to dependent class county residents legal or not.  Or this BOCC obligating the MC Taxpayers to Union largesse and more duplicate services for the so called “underserved”.  These pursuits are of liberal leftist pandering that is not conservative, but it appeals to the low information voter or the bleeding heart or those without life experience.  This current make-up of the BOCC has confused voluntary charity with Government obligation using other people’s money (your hard earned tax $$$). 

My favorite Commissioner that imo, best represents the above brand of Republicanism is Ed “The NY Progressive” Ciampi of HOA central Palm City. His positioning as a Republican has duped the high concentration of Snowbirds to Vote for him since they Vote Party line from their primary homes elsewhere, instead of familiarizing themselves with the character and policies of the candidates. Shame on you PC for not offering another choice in candidates. 

Commissioner Ciampi is famously astute for his business acumen or at least he likes to espouse of himself despite his own failures with his own money in his own business ventures.  Unfortunately, as Commissioner he enjoys spending other people’s money (taxes).  Those other people are YOU! 

The County Government must be reined in, back to a small Government footprint with basic infrastructure and its maintenance, not Water Parks, Training Centers, Golf Course’s and million-dollar Beach Hot Dog stands!  These are all long-term liabilities with poor track records of self-funding via positive revenue generation.  Never forget, Ed Ciampi said: “The Water Park will self-sustain” and we all know better. NOW!  Yet they continue with entering into all things private sector. 

The Board of County Commissioners has gone left and must be replaced! 

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Change: Smart and Responsible?

Our beautiful and bucolic Martin County is changing, but is it doing so smartly and responsibly? 

That depends on what the goal is. Our BOCC seems to approve any and all costly suggestions from the County Staff, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (extra cost, loss of local control), the multiple Chambers of Commerce, the Crony supporting Charities, the Commissioners personal pet projects like County golf courses, water parks and beach hot dog stands. Each of these costly boondoggles and services increase costs and act as an incentive for more of the “dependent class” to occupy Martin County.  This approach feeds off the productive class and working poor subscribing all the Martin County taxpayers to fund those who consume vs those who contribute.  This BOCC seems to be taking the “if you build it, they will come” approach to increasing MC government services.  It is no wonder our MCSD is around 40% full of undocumented students.   Our roads resemble Broward and Palm Beach County. Our taxes are rising to PBC level and our quality of life is decreasing.  That’s their legacy, no matter how they try to spin it on those slick and expensive video messages they have produced to manipulate public perception.  Sorry BOCC, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time”.

Then there are their cronies; MCFR, Waste Management, the Chambers of Commerce and their pilot fish “charities” or 501c3s.  They all make up a tax funneling eco-system that coerces and redistributes the ever-increasing tax revenues collected from us.  I have seen this before and I’m sure many of you have too. Perhaps you escaped it from points north and south, only to find it here too. The “It” is Statism/Progressivism (the big Government redistribution of wealth), and it is undeniably here in our local political parties and in our county government.  No longer can we vote straight down R or D party lines.  Principles have been traded for the opportunist pragmatist (those who trade the promise of security over our liberty) and look where that’s gotten us.

After 9 months of attending or watching all our BOCC meetings two things are quite obvious. 1) Martin Co. is not a small government, fiscally conservative, individual liberty, Republican BOCC, but one full of “registered Republicans” (RINO’s) only doing so to pander to the myth that Martin County is Conservative. 2) We have a radical conservationist, a NY Progressive, an opportunist career seeking “Republican” politician, a free agent receiver of funds from MC Fire & Rescue union and a confused county sub-contractor crony.  The current make-up of this BOCC is insulated by a County Administrator that is happy to intimidate and enforce like a petty tyrant where there are no oaths to “protect, support and defend the US Constitution including the Bill of rights”. They all took the oath of office but seem to have forgotten it. I was in disbelief while witnessing acts and maneuvers that our County attorney takes to assist in running interference for such questionable tactics and actions of favoritism and cronyism by this BOCC. It is at best an appearance of impropriety, but I think it’s something worse, standard operating procedure. 

What can we do and why should we do it?   The only thing we can do is vote them out and support their replacements, leaders who value and govern via individual liberty and the US Constitution.  They must be replaced since they are more loyal to County power and coercion instead of the individual (and our liberties). 

The current make-up of Commissioners, Admin and Attorney see us as mere revenue generators for them to spend and create more dependency on their “products or services” obligating us to financial freedom killing debt. Just like Bernie Sanders and A.O.C they are pushing the “common good” at the expense of the individual.  VOTE THEM ALL OUT!      

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Three Minutes

I am very concerned with the Martin County BOCC and its subscription into Regional Planning Boards. In effect, the RPB’s costs us money, takes away Local Control, the voice of the citizens, and County sovereignty. They recently presented information/propaganda pushing the citizens to contact their representatives pushing them to vote against SB62.

 We citizens, rather than our County, make our own decisions.  So, WE will contact our Reps and tell them to Vote FOR SB62.

 When I sought out clarification from the County employee presenter, a very pleasant and competent, Ms. Ciuperger, regarding the County and the Commissioners’ position on the matter, I was intercepted by the County Administrator, Kryzda.  She tried to intimidate and cast aspersions toward me, a concerned taxpaying citizen.

 What is the problem with Martin County Government that they are “not comfortable” with engaging with their bosses, we the people?  Sure, they allow for 3 minutes to comment, if you can attend the meetings. But you are bound by their “rules” which trample on our 1st Amendments rights.  I am concerned with the BOCC and its recent push to further censor speech of the average taxpaying citizen.  They have stifled our right to redress our government of grievances with shutting down Emailed Comments to be read at County meetings, implemented during the Mask Mandate oversteps.  They never re-instituted that convenience to the working citizens of Martin County and now they have even ended the Zoom call in option. Clearly this violates “equal access State law.  

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All Liberty is Individual Liberty

The Martin County Board of County commissioners, Admin and staff seem to think they are running one big Home Owners Association.  From their mindless non SMART/Sustainable development projects, multiple rental/affordable property approvals that will appeal to snowbirds and multi-families sharing those units, to the clogged roads, the budget blowing remodeling projects, mismanagement and maintenance of all the past pet projects they call “investments”, to the new projects and the subscriptions and contracts, the commissioners obligate the unknowing Martin County taxpayer to greater debt and taxes.

Years ago, the residents were clearly divided into two camps, Growthers vs Non-Growthers. While most of us aren’t against growth as long as it respects private property is not run by some far-off board of bureaucrats in lucrative positions on the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (TCRPC) or special interest Crony developers.

Why is a far-off council needed when Martin County has so many departments and staffer’s often referred to as the “experts”?  These 5 Martin County Commissioners cede local control over to this 3rd party full of appointees with allegiances to the United Nation global collectivism agenda and SMART/SUSTAINABLE Development as their model and goal.  “How are our neighbors in southern or northern counties doing this or that” is often heard at the MC BOCC meeting by multiple Commissioners.  That is the very approach and mentality that will make MC like those counties if we don’t change the makeup and direction of the MC BOCC.   

They believe that we the People must accept what they suggest and our Commissioners follow their suggestions.  How else does our BOCC “invest” in costly suburban transit systems (MARTY), give away our Beach access, boat ramp access or bike lanes no one uses and road remodeling that restricts flow creating dangerous navigation and less efficient use of space?  See Bridge Road, Mapp Rd or Dixie Hwy in Rio road constrictions billed as improvements.  

American and Martin County exceptionalism all came about from respect for private property and space and inclusion for individual liberty.  It seems we’re trying to fund all the spending this BOCC does by more Grants with strings attached, development, undermining of private property and bad ideas of entry into multiple private sector adventurism funded by the captured Taxpayers.   “Live and let live” is not something the TCRPC is concerned with, in fact its focused on “The Common Good” at the expense of the individual and at the price of $68,000 taxpayer dollars every year.  What’s so sad and disturbing is how many do not understand that those goals are not good for a healthy and diverse community, society, private property, or individuals.    

Its time to get involved and change the direction of this BOCC!  

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